34 miles wide, average above surface 6,745 ft
3.4 years between Core Island connections.
People and Culture
Early explorers found easy farming on the reportedly wide and fertile soil of Alfinel, but with Nade open to settlers at the same time Alfinel's 3.4 year cycle did not place it high on the list of colonization targets right after the first Gate openings. Around the year 50 some of the Anvardi Clannless who were forcibly migrated in the diaspora were offered the Island and rumor has it that in just one cycle they were beginning to cultivate a beautiful and lush Island.
In year 54 a sizable contingent of Gorvan Clan soldiers left Anvard for unknown reasons. Their passage through Nade and Vaaris had to be brokered through the Arcanists given the hard feelings about the hostilities in the years 47 and 48. They ended up joining the Clannless already on Alfinel. No one has any direct reports of what was said or done when they got there. Some say they offered their services defending the Island if the Clannless would allow them to stay and produce food and shelter for them. Others say they enslaved the Clannless in retaliation for the events of the diaspora.
The Gorvan from Alfinel today are known simply as The Habri (the name thought to be taken from the captain who led the desertion), and are hired as guards and mercenaries throughout the Islands on 3.4 or 6.8 year tours.
Since the year 54 Alfinel has been strictly closed to all outsiders. There are no accounts of what the Island even looks like.
Local Authority
Unknown, presumably in Habri control.
Unknown, presumably a form of low Anvardi.
None. It is forbidden to outsiders.